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Static Variable vs Instance Variable

Let us understand the differences between static and instance variable.

Java language uses variables in different scopes: static scope, local scope, block scope. Java has different ways of storing data either as primitive data types or as Objects. Class specifies type of a object. Static variable is defined generically for the entire class and not for a specific object. Hence Static variables belong to a class and hence has the same value for all objects of the class. Instance (object) variables belong to a specific object.

Static variableInstance variable
A static variable is a property of a class. An instance variable is a property of an instance.
A static variable is created only once when the classloader loads the class. An instance variable is created everytime an instance is created.
A static variable is used when you want to store a value that represents all the instances like count, sum, average etc.An instance variable is used to store a value that represents property of single instance.

Declaring an static variable

    static int countOfOrders;

Declaring an instance variable

    String OrderId;

 Let us consider the following example:

public class Order{
	//static variable
	static int countOfOrders;
	//instance variable
	String orderId;

public static void main(String args[]){ Order orderInst = new Order(); //Assigning to static variable Order.countOfOrders = 10; //Assigning to instance variable orderInst.orderId="Ord1_11Nov2017_3578923"; String name="Jan";//simple local variable. it is not instance and not static. } }

Assigning to static variable

    Order.countOfOrders = 10;
    orderInst.countOfOrders= 11;

Both the above assignments work. However, Using the class name is the preferred approach.

Assigning to instance variable


Static Variable vs Instance Variable

Let us understand the differences between static and instance variable.

Java language uses variables in different scopes: static scope, local scope, block scope. Java has different ways of storing data either as primitive data types or as Objects. Class specifies type of a object. Static variable is defined generically for the entire class and not for a specific object. Hence Static variables belong to a class and hence has the same value for all objects of the class. Instance (object) variables belong to a specific object.

Static variableInstance variable
A static variable is a property of a class. An instance variable is a property of an instance.
A static variable is created only once when the classloader loads the class. An instance variable is created everytime an instance is created.
A static variable is used when you want to store a value that represents all the instances like count, sum, average etc.An instance variable is used to store a value that represents property of single instance.

Declaring an static variable

    static int countOfOrders;

Declaring an instance variable

    String OrderId;

 Let us consider the following example:

public class Order{
	//static variable
	static int countOfOrders;
	//instance variable
	String orderId;

public static void main(String args[]){ Order orderInst = new Order(); //Assigning to static variable Order.countOfOrders = 10; //Assigning to instance variable orderInst.orderId="Ord1_11Nov2017_3578923"; String name="Jan";//simple local variable. it is not instance and not static. } }

Assigning to static variable

    Order.countOfOrders = 10;
    orderInst.countOfOrders= 11;

Both the above assignments work. However, Using the class name is the preferred approach.

Assigning to instance variable


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