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SQL - BETWEEN keyword used to check value in a range

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  • SQL BETWEEN operator is used to check whether a data value lies in the given range of values.
  • This checking requires three expressions in which the first expression indicates the value to be checked, second and third expressions indicate the two specified test range values to be checked.


  • The first expression is usually the column-name for our easy understanding.
  • The value can be any valid data type such as number, text, and date.


Column-name1, column-name2, column-name3.....Column-nameN
FROM Table-name
WHREE column-name BETWEEN value1 AND value2 ;


Below is the demo Staff_table from the Collegedb database.

| ID_No | Name      | Dept  | Salary |
|   101 | Madhan    | IT    |  20000 |
|   102 | Kamini    | IT    |  25000 |
|   103 | Senthil   | CSE   |  30000 |
|   104 | Vani      | CSE   |  30000 |
|   105 | Aadhi     | MECH  |  35000 |
|   106 | Arun      | CIVIL |  35000 |
|   107 | Vasanthi  | CIVIL |  28000 |
|   108 | Balan     | CIVIL |  27500 |
|   109 | Devid     | MECH  |  23500 |
|   110 | Aruna     | ADMIN |  15000 |
|   111 | Boomi     | ADMIN |  17000 |
|   112 | Kathirvel | ADMIN |  17550 |
|   113 | Kathir    | ADMIN |  22000 |

Following is the query statement to select the staff members whose salary lies between 20000 and 30000.

mysql> SELECT ID_No,Name,Dept,Salary FROM Staff_table WHERE Salary BETWEEN 20000 AND 30000;
| ID_No | Name     | Dept  | Salary |
|   101 | Madhan   | IT    |  20000 |
|   102 | Kamini   | IT    |  25000 |
|   103 | Senthil  | CSE   |  30000 |
|   104 | Vani     | CSE   |  30000 |
|   107 | Vasanthi | CIVIL |  28000 |
|   108 | Balan    | CIVIL |  27500 |
|   109 | Devid    | MECH  |  23500 |
|   113 | Kathir   | ADMIN |  22000 |
8 rows in set (0.13 sec)


Following query statement selects the faculty members who are not in the specified range.

mysql> SELECT ID_No,Name,Dept,Salary FROM Staff_table WHERE Salary NOT BETWEEN 20000 AND 30000;
| ID_No | Name      | Dept  | Salary |
|   105 | Aadhi     | MECH  |  35000 |
|   106 | Arun      | CIVIL |  35000 |
|   110 | Aruna     | ADMIN |  15000 |
|   111 | Boomi     | ADMIN |  17000 |
|   112 | Kathirvel | ADMIN |  17550 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Another Example of BETWEEN

Following query statement selects the faculty members between Arun and devid .

mysql> SELECT ID_No,Name,Dept,Salary FROM Staff_table WHERE Name BETWEEN 'Arun' AND 'Devid' ORDER BY Name;
| ID_No | Name  | Dept  | Salary |
|   106 | Arun  | CIVIL |  35000 |
|   110 | Aruna | ADMIN |  15000 |
|   108 | Balan | CIVIL |  27500 |
|   111 | Boomi | ADMIN |  17000 |
|   109 | Devid | MECH  |  23500 |
5 rows in set (0.17 sec)

Another Example of BETWEEN

Following query statement selects the faculty members who are not between Arun and devid .

mysql> SELECT ID_No,Name,Dept,Salary FROM Staff_table WHERE Name  NOT BETWEEN 'Arun' AND 'Devid' ORDER BY Name;

| ID_No | Name      | Dept  | Salary |
|   105 | Aadhi     | MECH  |  35000 |
|   102 | Kamini    | IT    |  25000 |
|   113 | Kathir    | ADMIN |  22000 |
|   112 | Kathirvel | ADMIN |  17550 |
|   101 | Madhan    | IT    |  20000 |
|   103 | Senthil   | CSE   |  30000 |
|   104 | Vani      | CSE   |  30000 |
|   107 | Vasanthi  | CIVIL |  28000 |
8 rows in set (0.09 sec)

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