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SQL AVG Function - to calculate average

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SQL AVG() function

SQL AVG() function finds the average value of a given numeric column.

SQL AVG() Syntax

SELECT AVG(column-name) FROM  Table-name
WHERE condition;


Demo student_mark table from collegedb database.

mysql> SELECT * FROM Student_Mark;
| RollNo | Name    | City      | Mark |
|    101 | Sakthi  | Chennai   |   80 |
|    102 | Bala    | Chennai   |   86 |
|    103 | Chandra | Bangalore |   89 |
|    104 | Madhan  | Goa       |   80 |
|    105 | Jose    | Kerala    |   82 |
|    106 | Jithu   | Kerala    |   85 |
|    107 | Veni    | Bangalore |   85 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Following query statement find the average value in the selected Mark column

mysql> SELECT AVG(Mark) FROM Student_Mark;
| AVG(Mark) |
|   83.8571 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

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