Krivalar Tutorials 
Krivalar Tutorials

Python - Membership Operators

<Identity Operators    Input >

  • Membership operator is used to test whether the variable or value is present in the sequence or not.
  • The sequence can be a string, a tuple, a list, or a dictionary.
  • In the case of the dictionary, we can only test for the occurrence of a key, not its value.

Python has two membership operators.

in Returns True only if the variable or value is occurred
in the given sequence, Otherwise returns False.
not in Returns True only if the variable or value is not occurred
in the given sequence, otherwise returns False.

Example with Membership Operators

>> z='welcome'
>> a='w'
>> print(a in z)
>> b='come'
>> print(b not in z)
>> print(b in  z)
>> print(a not in z)

<Identity Operators    Input >

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