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 Krivalar Tutorials 
Krivalar Tutorials

Python - Introduction

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Python is one of the high-level programming languages. The Python language was introduced by Guido Von Rossum, who started working on a fun project which would be a successor to ABC language with better exception handling. Guido chose the language name Python after watching the famous British television comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus, which was one of his favorite television shows. Its first release appeared in 1991. Python 2. x was released in 2000, and Python 3. x was released in 2008. In this tutorial, we have to learn about the basic concepts of Python with simple python programs.

What is python?

  • Python is a high-level programming language because the code is combined and executed just like C, C++,
  • Python is an interpreted programming language.
  • The Python has built-in data types such as numbers, strings, lists, etc.
  • Python can be extended from C, C++, etc.
  • Python programs can be executed in two ways such as
    1. Interactive mode
    2. Scripting mode.

Why do we require Python?

  • If you are a professional software developer, you could write a program by using existing programming languages such as C, C++, or Java. Those languages could take more development time to get the first draft program.
  • But Python is simple to use. By using this, we will develop programs more quickly.
  • Python offers much more error-checking than C.
  • Python provides more structures and support for large programs.
  • Python splits large programs into modules that can be reused in another program.
  • A few example modules are file I/O, system call, socket, and reference to the graphical interface.
  • Python is an interpreted language.
  • Because of this, it can save us time during program development, which means compilation and linking are not required.
  • Python program is much shorter than the other equivalent C/C++ or Java program, because more complex operations are written in single statements.
  • Also, veritable or argument declarations are not required.
  • Python is extensible, which means we can easily add a new build function or modules to the interpreter or link the python program to the libraries.

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