Krivalar Tutorials 
Krivalar Tutorials

Java - Working With Strings


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String is an immutable sequence of characters. StringBuffer is mutable sequence of characters. StringBuffer is modifiable variant of String object. StringBuffer is thread-safe and hence multiple threads can try accessing the string without causing conflicts. StringBuffer has append and insert for all primitive datatypes and Objects. It also has delete methods to remove one or more characters at specified positions.

StringBuffer - Example

public class StringBufferExample {
 public static void main(String a[]){
  StringBuffer sbuffer= new StringBuffer(
  			"Time is an resource with no limits. ");

  System.out.println( "Orginal String: "+ sbuffer);
  sbuffer.append( "Earth rotates and revolves. ");
  System.out.println( "After Append: "+sbuffer);

  sbuffer.insert( sbuffer.lastIndexOf(" ")+1,
			"Moon rotates around the Earth.");
  System.out.println( "After insert: " +sbuffer);

  int lastIndex=sbuffer.lastIndexOf("Earth.");
  System.out.println("Last Index of 'Earth': " +lastIndex);

  sbuffer.delete(sbuffer.lastIndexOf("Earth."), lastIndex+5);
  System.out.println("After deletion: " +sbuffer);

  int lastIndexThe= sbuffer.lastIndexOf( "the");
  sbuffer.replace(lastIndexThe, lastIndexThe+4, "Jupiter");
  System.out.println("After replace: " +sbuffer);

public class StringBufferExample {
public static void main(String a[]){
	StringBuffer sbuffer= new StringBuffer( "Time is an resource with no limits. ");

	System.out.println( "Orginal String: " +sbuffer);
	sbuffer.append( "Earth rotates and revolves. ");
	System.out.println( "After Append: " +sbuffer);

	sbuffer.insert( sbuffer.lastIndexOf(" ")+1, "Moon rotates around the Earth.");
	System.out.println("After insert: " +sbuffer);

	int lastIndex= sbuffer.lastIndexOf( "Earth.");
	System.out.println( "Last Index of 'Earth': " +lastIndex);

	sbuffer.delete(sbuffer.lastIndexOf( "Earth."), lastIndex+5);
	System.out.println("After deletion: "+ sbuffer);

	int lastIndexThe= sbuffer.lastIndexOf("the");
	sbuffer.replace( lastIndexThe, lastIndexThe+4, "Jupiter");
	System.out.println( "After replace: " +sbuffer);

StringBuffer - Output

Orginal String: Time is an resource with no limits.
After Append: Time is an resource with no limits. Earth rotates and revolves.
After insert: Time is an resource with no limits. Earth rotates and revolves. Moon rotates around the Earth.
Last Index of 'Earth': 88
After deletion: Time is an resource with no limits. Earth rotates and revolves. Moon rotates around the .
After replace: Time is an resource with no limits. Earth rotates and revolves. Moon rotates around Jupiter.


StringBuilder is mutable sequence of characters.


public class StringBuilderExample {
 public static void main(String a[]){
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  sb.append( "Cool  String. Good String. Some String. It does not matter. ");
  sb.append( "Pestering");
  System.out.println( sb);
  System.out.println( "After Append:\n" +sb);
  sb.insert(5, true);
  sb.insert(16, "-nice-");
  System.out.println( "After insert:\n" +sb);
  sb.delete(53, 58);
  System.out.println( "After delete:\n" +sb);
  System.out.println( "After deleteCharAt:\n" +sb);
  System.out.println( "Position of not: " +sb.indexOf("not"));

  StringBuilder secondSB = new StringBuilder("Super Simple");
  System.out.println( "Before reverse"+secondSB);
  System.out.println( "After reverse"+secondSB);

StringBuffer - Output

Cool  String. Good String. Some String. It does not matter. Pestering
After Append:
Cool  String. Good String. Some String. It does not matter. Pestering
After insert:
Cool true String-nice-. Good String!. Some String. It does not matter. Pestering
After delete:
Cool true String-nice-. Good String!. Some String. It not matter. Pestering
After deleteCharAt:
Cool true String-nice. Good String!. Some String. It not matter. Pestering
Position of not: 53
Before reverse:
Super Simple
After reverse:
elpmiS repuS


StringTokenizer is mutable sequence of characters.

StringBuffer - Example

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class StringTokenizerExample {
public static void main(String a[]){
  String str= "Good,Bad,Ugly,Nice,Yellow";
  StringTokenizer tokenizer= new StringTokenizer(str,",");
  System.out.println( "Original String:\n"+str);
		"\nAfter Splitting using String Tokenizer:");

  while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){
	System.out.println( tokenizer.nextToken());


StringBuffer - Output

Original String:

After Splitting using String Tokenizer:


Scanner can scan primitives as well as Strings using Regular expresssions. Scanner can use keyboard input, File, or String as its source of input


import java.util.Scanner;
public class ScannerExample {
public static void main(String a[]){
  String input = "Where there is a will, there is a way.";
  Scanner s = new Scanner(input)
				.useDelimiter( "\\s*is|,");

Scanner - Output

	Where there
	 a will
	 a way.


String.split() -Example

public class StringSplitExample {
public static void main(String a[]){
  String s= "Hello, I am Good!";
  String arr[]= s.split(" ",4);
  for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
	System.out.println( arr[i]);

String.split() - Output


Reversing a String

Reversing a String - Example

public class StringReverse {
public static void main(String a[]){
	StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer( "Day is Good");
	System.out.println( "Original String:");
	System.out.println( sb);
	System.out.println( "String in Reverse:");
	System.out.println( sb);


Original String:
Day is Good
String in Reverse:
dooG si yaD

Finding the position of a character of a string

indexOf and lastIndexOf


public class StringIndexOfAndLastIndexOf {
 public static void main(String a[]){
	String newString = new String("It was nice knowing you!");

	System.out.println("indexOf('n') method returned: "
						+ newString.indexOf('n'));
	System.out.println("indexOf('o') method returned: "
						+ newString.indexOf('o'));

	System.out.println("lastIndexOf('o') method returned: "
						+ newString.lastIndexOf('o'));


indexOf('n') method returned: 7
indexOf('o') method returned: 14
lastIndexOf('o') method returned: 21

Working with substrings

Finding whether string contains a specific substring and finding the location of a substring

string.contains(), substring() and trim() method


public class StringContainsAndSubstringAndTrim {
  public static void main(String a[]){
    String newString
    	= "It was nice knowing you!";

    	"contains() method returned: "
    	+ newString.contains("nice"));

    	"substring() method returned: "
    	+ newString.substring(7));

    String anotherString
    	= " Good Morning! Welcome ";

    	"Original String:" +anotherString + ".");
    	"Trimmed String:" +anotherString.trim() + ".");


contains() method returned: true
substring() method returned: nice knowing you!
Original String: Good Morning! Welcome .
Trimmed String:Good Morning! Welcome.

Finding whether string starts with or ends with a substring

string.startsWith() and string.endsWith() method


public class StringBeginsWithEndsWith {
	public static void main(String a[]){
		String str1 ="Once upon a time";
		if(str1.startsWith("On") == true){
			System.out.println(str1 + " starts with On");
		if(str1.endsWith("ime") == true){
			System.out.println(str1 + " ends with ime");


Once upon a time starts with On
Once upon a time ends with ime

Replacing a substring with another substring in a String


public class StringReplace {
	public static void main(String a[]){
		String str1="Where there is a will, there is a way";
		System.out.println("Original String:");
		String str2=str1.replace("is", "good");
		System.out.println("String after using replace:");


Original String:
Where there is a will, there is a way
String after using replace:
Where there good a will, there good a way

Converting a String to Uppercase or Lowercase


public class StringCaseConversion {
	public static void main(String a[]){
		String strNew="Great wall of China";
		System.out.println("Original String: "+strNew);
		String strLower= strNew.toLowerCase();
		System.out.println("String in LowerCase: " + strLower);
		String strUpper = strNew.toUpperCase();
		System.out.println("String in UpperCase: " + strUpper);


Original String: Great wall of China
String in LowerCase: great wall of china
String in UpperCase: GREAT WALL OF CHINA

Conversion between Primitive Data Type and String

Converting a Primitive Data Type into String and String to Primitive Data Type


public class PrimitveDataToStringExample {
	public static void main(String a[]){
		byte b=12;
		short s=24;
		int i=64000;
		long l=1289004200l;
		float salary=60000.0f;
		double amount=10456990.30;
		char c='A';
		boolean flag=true;

		String sByte = String.valueOf(b);
		String sShort = String.valueOf(s);
		String sInt = String.valueOf(i);
		String sLong = String.valueOf(l);

		String sSalary = String.valueOf(salary);
		String sAmount = String.valueOf(amount);
		String sA = String.valueOf(c);
		String sFlag = String.valueOf(flag);

		byte byteFromString = Byte.parseByte(sByte);
		short shortFromString = Short.parseShort(sShort);
		int intFromString = Integer.parseInt(sInt);
		long longFromString = Long.parseLong(sLong);

		float floatFromString = Float.parseFloat(sSalary);
		double doubleFromString = Double.parseDouble(sAmount);

		char charFromString = sA.charAt(0);
		boolean flagFromString = Boolean.parseBoolean(sFlag);

Java Objects vs primitive data types

Primitive data types occupy lesser memory and are efficient. Java Objects are created using the primitive data types and other Java objects as fields.


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Searching using Binary Search Tree