Graph - Degree, Indegree and Outdegree

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In this page, we will learn about quantifying the size or complexity of a graph.

Quantifying the Graph

Degree of a Vertex

Degree of vertex is the number of lines associated with a vertex. For example, let us consider the above graph. Degree of a vertex A is 1. Degree of a vertex B is 4. Degree of a vertex C is 2.

Indegree of a Vertex

It is the number of arcs entering the vertex. For example, let us consider the above graph. Indegree of vertex B is 1.

Outdegree of Vertex

It is the number of arcs leaving the vertex. For example, let us consider the above graph. Outdegree of vertex B is 3.

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Graph - Degree, Indegree and Outdegree

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In this page, we will learn about quantifying the size or complexity of a graph.

Quantifying the Graph

Degree of a Vertex

Degree of vertex is the number of lines associated with a vertex. For example, let us consider the above graph. Degree of a vertex A is 1. Degree of a vertex B is 4. Degree of a vertex C is 2.

Indegree of a Vertex

It is the number of arcs entering the vertex. For example, let us consider the above graph. Indegree of vertex B is 1.

Outdegree of Vertex

It is the number of arcs leaving the vertex. For example, let us consider the above graph. Outdegree of vertex B is 3.

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