First Generation of Computer
Year | 1946-1959 |
Technology | Vacuum tube |
Language | Machine language (0 and 1) |
Input Device | Punched cards |
Output Device | Punched cards and paper tape |
Size | Very bulky, large in size |
Storage | Magnetic tapes and magnetic drums for external storage |
Important Features |
Second Generation of Computer
Year | 1959-1965 |
Technology | Transistor |
Language |
Input Device | Punched cards |
Output Device | Line printer |
Size | Smaller in size |
Storage | Magnetic cores, Magnetic tape and Magnetic disk |
Important Features |
Third Generation of Computer
Year | 1965-1971 |
Technology | Integrated Chip |
Language | High level language (FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, PL/1) |
Input Device | Keyboard |
Output Device | Monitor |
Size | Compact in size |
Storage | Magnetic tape, magnetic drums and magnetic cores |
Important Features |
Fourth Generation of Computer
Year | 1971-1980 |
Technology | Very large scale integrated chip, Microprocessor |
Language | High level language (like C, C++, Java, PHP, Visual Basic etc.) |
Input Device | Keyboard and Mouse |
Output Device | Monitor and printer |
Size | Smaller and portable |
Storage | Semiconductor memory |
Important Features |
Fifth Generation of Computer
Year | 1980-now |
Technology | ULSI(Ultra large scale integrated), contains million of electronics components in a single microprocessor chip |
Language | All High level language (like C, C++, Java, PHP, Visual Basic, .Net) |
Input Device | Keyboard and Mouse |
Output Device | Monitor and printer |
Size | Very small and portable, palm size and handheld device |
Storage | RAM (Random Access Memory) for primary storage and Hard drive for Secondary storage |
Important Features |