Krivalar Tutorials 
Krivalar Tutorials

Palindrome Number - Java Program

Palindrome Number is a number which remains the same on revering the digits in the number. To check if a number is palindrome, A new number is formed by finding each digit from the last digit. Each digit is extracted by finding the remainder when divided by 10.


Step 1: Initialize the reverse number as zero. reverse = 0
Step 2: Consider the number which you want to find whether it is a palindrome. Store it in a temporary variable temp.temp= num
Step 3: Find the remainder after dividing the temp by 10.remainder = temp % 10
Step 4: Multiply reverse number by the remainder found in the previous step.reverse=(reverse*10) + remainder
Step 5: Subtract the remainder from temp.temp = temp - remainder
Step 6: Store the quotient after dividing the temp by 10. temp = temp / 10
Step 7: Repeat the steps 3 to 6 until tenp becomes zero. while(temp>0)
Step 8: if Number is equal to reverse, then the number is a palindrome number. if(num==reverse)
Step 8: if Number is not equal to reverse, then the number is NOT a palindrome number. else

Java Program

public class PalindromeNumber {
	public static void main (String args[]) {
		int num = 12321;
		int reverse = 0;
		int temp= num;
		while(temp>0) {
			int remainder = temp % 10;
			reverse=(reverse*10) + remainder;
			temp = temp - remainder;
			temp = temp / 10;
		if(num==reverse) {
			System.out.println("The Number " + num + " is a palindrome");
		else {
			System.out.println("The Number " + num + " is not a palindrome");

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