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Scanner - Computer Input Devices

<<Mouse Scanner

Barcode Reader >>

A keyboard, a mouse and a document reader are examples of Input devices.
Scanner, Joystick, Keyboard are also input devices. Scanner scans a printed document.


A scanner is an input device that scans the image and text in a document, regardless of printed or handwritten text, and objects and then converts into a digital image on the screen. Scanned image can be stored on the device to which it is connected.

  • For long time, Scanner input device is mainly used in organizations like offices, schools, colleges, shopping malls, and printing presses. Nowadays, scanners are part of all-in-one printers
  • Scanners of different types are available in the market - flatbed scanner, sheeted scanner, photo scanner, and handheld scanners.
  • The scanner is connected to the computer via USB cable.

<<Mouse Scanner

Barcode Reader >>

Scanner - Computer Input Devices

<<Mouse Scanner

Barcode Reader >>

A keyboard, a mouse and a document reader are examples of Input devices.
Scanner, Joystick, Keyboard are also input devices. Scanner scans a printed document.


A scanner is an input device that scans the image and text in a document, regardless of printed or handwritten text, and objects and then converts into a digital image on the screen. Scanned image can be stored on the device to which it is connected.

  • For long time, Scanner input device is mainly used in organizations like offices, schools, colleges, shopping malls, and printing presses. Nowadays, scanners are part of all-in-one printers
  • Scanners of different types are available in the market - flatbed scanner, sheeted scanner, photo scanner, and handheld scanners.
  • The scanner is connected to the computer via USB cable.

<<Mouse Scanner

Barcode Reader >>