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Computer Memory Units - Memory Size Table and Chart


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Computer Memory Units are Bit, Nibble, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB, Bronto Bytes and GeopByte.

  • Popular RAM sizes now is 4GB, 8GB, 8GB, 16GB and Hard disk sizes currently popular in the market is currently between 300GB to 1TB and external hard disk can be 1 TB, 2 TB, 4TB and 8TB.
  • Sizes of RAM and Hard disk may increase from time to time due to technology advancements and people needs.

A computer usually has 32 or 64 bit register memory and 32KB or 64KB Cache memory

Table of Computer Memory

Memory UnitDescription
BitBinary Digit 1 or 0
Byte8 bits
KiloByte(KB)1024 Bytes
MegaByte(MB)1024 KB
GigaByte(GB)1024 MB
TeraByte(TB)1024 GB
PetaByte(PB)1024 TB
HexaByte or exaByte (EB)1024 PB
ZettaByte (ZB)1024 EB
YottaByte (YB)1024 ZB
BrontoByte1024 YB
GeopByte1024 Bronto Bytes

GeopByte is the largest unit of Computer storage

Computer Memory Size Chart - All Computer Memory Sizes

 Bit  <  Byte  <  KB  <  GB  <  TB 
TB < PB < HB < ZB < YB
YB < BromtoByte < GeopByte

Primary Memory - Memory Sizes
RAMProcessor CacheRegisters
Popular Sizes
1GB to 16GB32KB or 64KB32 or 64 bit
Popular Speeds
1333MHz, 3200MHz Fast2,4,6 or 8KiB L1 cache Faster2 to 3 times faster than Cache
Less costlier for its sizeCostlier than RAMCostliest compared to RAM and Cache

How to Measure Computer Memory? - Computer Memory Size

Data is stored in computer memory. Amount of data stored stored in memory is dependent on its size.

The following terms define the memory units:


  • Bit is a binary digit used to represent the data in the computer.
  • A bit refers to one of the two possible values either 0's or 1's.
  • Bit is the smallest measurement unit of a computer.


A nibble is defined as a group of 4 bits.


A byte is a group of 8 bits referred to as the smallest unit of the computer memory.

Table of computer memory - Computer Memory Size Chart - All Computer Memory Sizes


A word is defined as a group of the fixed size of bits.

  • Computer memory stores the data in the form of a word.
  • The number of bits in a word is called word length or word size.
  • Word length can vary from computer to computer.
  • Common word length used in computers are 1, 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits.
  • Modern computers use the word length of 32 bits or 64 bits.

Kilo Byte

A kilo byte consists of 1024 bytes. e.g 1 KB = 1024 Bytes.

Mega Byte

A mega byte consists of 1024 kilo bytes. e.g 1 MB = 1024 KB.

Giga Byte

A giga byte consists of 1024 mega bytes. e.g 1 GB = 1024 MB.

Tera Byte

A tera byte consists of 1024 giga bytes. e.g 1 TB = 1024 GB.

Non-volatile Memory

Secondary Non-volatile memory is a type of computer memory that stores and keeps the information even when the system is shutdown or switched off. Secondary Memory can hold a large volume of data. ROM (Read Only Memory), PROM, EPROM, etc are examples of the non-volatile memory.

Secondary Storage

Nowadays, 500GB, 1TB or even 2TB internal hard disk or 500GB SSD are becoming more popular. External hard drives of 1TB is more used for data backup. 8GB to 64GB USB flash drive is used to carry Data much easier

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Computer Memory Units - Memory Size Table and Chart


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Computer Memory Units are Bit, Nibble, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB, Bronto Bytes and GeopByte.

  • Popular RAM sizes now is 4GB, 8GB, 8GB, 16GB and Hard disk sizes currently popular in the market is currently between 300GB to 1TB and external hard disk can be 1 TB, 2 TB, 4TB and 8TB.
  • Sizes of RAM and Hard disk may increase from time to time due to technology advancements and people needs.

A computer usually has 32 or 64 bit register memory and 32KB or 64KB Cache memory

Table of Computer Memory

Memory UnitDescription
BitBinary Digit 1 or 0
Byte8 bits
KiloByte(KB)1024 Bytes
MegaByte(MB)1024 KB
GigaByte(GB)1024 MB
TeraByte(TB)1024 GB
PetaByte(PB)1024 TB
HexaByte or exaByte (EB)1024 PB
ZettaByte (ZB)1024 EB
YottaByte (YB)1024 ZB
BrontoByte1024 YB
GeopByte1024 Bronto Bytes

GeopByte is the largest unit of Computer storage

Computer Memory Size Chart - All Computer Memory Sizes

 Bit  <  Byte  <  KB  <  GB  <  TB 
TB < PB < HB < ZB < YB
YB < BromtoByte < GeopByte

Primary Memory - Memory Sizes
RAMProcessor CacheRegisters
Popular Sizes
1GB to 16GB32KB or 64KB32 or 64 bit
Popular Speeds
1333MHz, 3200MHz Fast2,4,6 or 8KiB L1 cache Faster2 to 3 times faster than Cache
Less costlier for its sizeCostlier than RAMCostliest compared to RAM and Cache

How to Measure Computer Memory? - Computer Memory Size

Data is stored in computer memory. Amount of data stored stored in memory is dependent on its size.

The following terms define the memory units:


  • Bit is a binary digit used to represent the data in the computer.
  • A bit refers to one of the two possible values either 0's or 1's.
  • Bit is the smallest measurement unit of a computer.


A nibble is defined as a group of 4 bits.


A byte is a group of 8 bits referred to as the smallest unit of the computer memory.

Table of computer memory - Computer Memory Size Chart - All Computer Memory Sizes


A word is defined as a group of the fixed size of bits.

  • Computer memory stores the data in the form of a word.
  • The number of bits in a word is called word length or word size.
  • Word length can vary from computer to computer.
  • Common word length used in computers are 1, 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits.
  • Modern computers use the word length of 32 bits or 64 bits.

Kilo Byte

A kilo byte consists of 1024 bytes. e.g 1 KB = 1024 Bytes.

Mega Byte

A mega byte consists of 1024 kilo bytes. e.g 1 MB = 1024 KB.

Giga Byte

A giga byte consists of 1024 mega bytes. e.g 1 GB = 1024 MB.

Tera Byte

A tera byte consists of 1024 giga bytes. e.g 1 TB = 1024 GB.

Non-volatile Memory

Secondary Non-volatile memory is a type of computer memory that stores and keeps the information even when the system is shutdown or switched off. Secondary Memory can hold a large volume of data. ROM (Read Only Memory), PROM, EPROM, etc are examples of the non-volatile memory.

Secondary Storage

Nowadays, 500GB, 1TB or even 2TB internal hard disk or 500GB SSD are becoming more popular. External hard drives of 1TB is more used for data backup. 8GB to 64GB USB flash drive is used to carry Data much easier

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