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Fundamentals/Basics of Computers

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In this tutorial, you are going to learn about the fundamentals of computers.

What is a Computer?

Computer is derived from the word compute which means to calculate.

Functionality of computers

The main functionality of a computer is to solve complex arithmetic and scientific problems at very high speeds.

A computer is an electronic device that:

  • accepts data and instructions as an input
  • stores data and instructions in the memory
  • process the data based on instructions
  • controls all activities of a computer
  • returns output either on computer or on other output devices

Computer Applications

Computing devices have become an essential part of all human lives.

Computers have many applications in:

  • engineering
  • banking
  • medical
  • household
  • marketing
  • day-to-day lives.

Computer is an electronic machine designed to perform mathematical and logical operations.

Used to perform activities like:

  • creating, editing & managing documents
  • sending documents through internet
  • browse the internet and search for information
  • running software applications
  • Developing software applications
  • Education
  • Analyze data
  • Computer and internet games
  • Entertainment such as watch videos, listen to music and songs
  • Draw pictures and create animation
  • Read News
  • Take pictures, make voice calls and videos calls
  • Conduct Virtual online meetings
  • Virtual reality to test products in simulated environments

The list of activities you can do with a computer is endless....

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Fundamentals/Basics of Computers

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In this tutorial, you are going to learn about the fundamentals of computers.

What is a Computer?

Computer is derived from the word compute which means to calculate.

Functionality of computers

The main functionality of a computer is to solve complex arithmetic and scientific problems at very high speeds.

A computer is an electronic device that:

  • accepts data and instructions as an input
  • stores data and instructions in the memory
  • process the data based on instructions
  • controls all activities of a computer
  • returns output either on computer or on other output devices

Computer Applications

Computing devices have become an essential part of all human lives.

Computers have many applications in:

  • engineering
  • banking
  • medical
  • household
  • marketing
  • day-to-day lives.

Computer is an electronic machine designed to perform mathematical and logical operations.

Used to perform activities like:

  • creating, editing & managing documents
  • sending documents through internet
  • browse the internet and search for information
  • running software applications
  • Developing software applications
  • Education
  • Analyze data
  • Computer and internet games
  • Entertainment such as watch videos, listen to music and songs
  • Draw pictures and create animation
  • Read News
  • Take pictures, make voice calls and videos calls
  • Conduct Virtual online meetings
  • Virtual reality to test products in simulated environments

The list of activities you can do with a computer is endless....

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