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Computer Barcode Reader - Input Device


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Barcode Reader

Barcode reader is an input device used to read the Bar code information that can be printed as image on product covers, plastic wrappers and cardboard boxes.

  • Barcode consists of some set of black, dark lines and thin lines that defines the information corresponding to the goods being sold in retail shops or the internet.
  • Bar code data contains more information that includes characters and numbers.
  • Barcode reader contains a scanner and a decoder.
  • Scanner uses the light beam to scan across the barcode, then it detects the reflected light beam and converts them into electrical form.
  • Decoder converts those electrical forms into data that is easily read by the computer.
  • Different types of barcode readers available such as image scanners, laser scanners, pen wands, slot scanners, and Charge-Couple Devices (CCD).


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Computer Barcode Reader - Input Device


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Barcode Reader

Barcode reader is an input device used to read the Bar code information that can be printed as image on product covers, plastic wrappers and cardboard boxes.

  • Barcode consists of some set of black, dark lines and thin lines that defines the information corresponding to the goods being sold in retail shops or the internet.
  • Bar code data contains more information that includes characters and numbers.
  • Barcode reader contains a scanner and a decoder.
  • Scanner uses the light beam to scan across the barcode, then it detects the reflected light beam and converts them into electrical form.
  • Decoder converts those electrical forms into data that is easily read by the computer.
  • Different types of barcode readers available such as image scanners, laser scanners, pen wands, slot scanners, and Charge-Couple Devices (CCD).


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