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C/C++ - Switch Case Statement - Syntax and Examples


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In C, the switch statement is a multi-way decision that tests the switch expression against the number of case statements. If one of the case statement matches with switch expression, then that particular case block will be executed until the break statement. Otherwise the control of program passes to the default statement and executes the block of code. The default is optional, if it does not used, and none of the cases match, the switch statement will not perform any action. It is similar to if else if ladder statement. The syntax of the switch case statement is given below.

switch(expression) {

	case conts1 :
	case conts2 :
	case conts3 :
	case  conts4 :
 	default :


Example C Program for switch case statement

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
	int A=10;

	   case 5 :
	   	printf("The value is 5 \n");
	   case 10 :
		printf("The value is 10 \n");
	   case 15 :
		printf("The value is 15 \n");
	   default :
	    	printf("The value is invalid \n");


The value is 10

The break statement is used to terminate the switch case statement. The break statement is not must, if it is not used in switch case statement, then all the cases after the matching case will be executed. This is called as fall through in switch statement.

Example C Program for switch case without break statement

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
	int A=10;

	   case 5 :
	   	printf("The value is 5 \n");

	   case 10 :
		printf("The value is 10 \n");

	   case 15 :
		printf("The value is 15 \n");

	   default :
	       printf("The value is invalid \n");



The value is 10
The value is 15
The value is invalid

Difference between switch and if else if ladder

switch if else if ladder
Execute the block of code
based on the expression match
inside the switch statement
Execute block of code based
on the output of the expression
inside if statement.
It only works on
integer and character data type
as expression is constant
It works on all data types
such as integer, character,
pointer or floating point
and logical condition.
Based on the value of
the switch expression,
the control jumps to
the corresponding case
The control goes through
the every else if statement
until it finds true value
of the statement or
it comes to the end
of the else if ladder.
It works on the basis of
equality operator
It works on the basis of
boolean value(true or false)
It is easy to edit and
works much faster than
if else if ladder
It is difficult to edit
and works slower
Each case is independent
. So it directly executes
the particular case on
the basis of expression match.
The code needs to be
processed in the order
determined by the programmer.
It requires less
compilation time
It requires more
compilation time

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C/C++ - Switch Case Statement - Syntax and Examples


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In C, the switch statement is a multi-way decision that tests the switch expression against the number of case statements. If one of the case statement matches with switch expression, then that particular case block will be executed until the break statement. Otherwise the control of program passes to the default statement and executes the block of code. The default is optional, if it does not used, and none of the cases match, the switch statement will not perform any action. It is similar to if else if ladder statement. The syntax of the switch case statement is given below.

switch(expression) {

	case conts1 :
	case conts2 :
	case conts3 :
	case  conts4 :
 	default :


Example C Program for switch case statement

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
	int A=10;

	   case 5 :
	   	printf("The value is 5 \n");
	   case 10 :
		printf("The value is 10 \n");
	   case 15 :
		printf("The value is 15 \n");
	   default :
	    	printf("The value is invalid \n");


The value is 10

The break statement is used to terminate the switch case statement. The break statement is not must, if it is not used in switch case statement, then all the cases after the matching case will be executed. This is called as fall through in switch statement.

Example C Program for switch case without break statement

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
	int A=10;

	   case 5 :
	   	printf("The value is 5 \n");

	   case 10 :
		printf("The value is 10 \n");

	   case 15 :
		printf("The value is 15 \n");

	   default :
	       printf("The value is invalid \n");



The value is 10
The value is 15
The value is invalid

Difference between switch and if else if ladder

switch if else if ladder
Execute the block of code
based on the expression match
inside the switch statement
Execute block of code based
on the output of the expression
inside if statement.
It only works on
integer and character data type
as expression is constant
It works on all data types
such as integer, character,
pointer or floating point
and logical condition.
Based on the value of
the switch expression,
the control jumps to
the corresponding case
The control goes through
the every else if statement
until it finds true value
of the statement or
it comes to the end
of the else if ladder.
It works on the basis of
equality operator
It works on the basis of
boolean value(true or false)
It is easy to edit and
works much faster than
if else if ladder
It is difficult to edit
and works slower
Each case is independent
. So it directly executes
the particular case on
the basis of expression match.
The code needs to be
processed in the order
determined by the programmer.
It requires less
compilation time
It requires more
compilation time

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