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C & C++ - strlen() - string length


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strcmp() - String Compare        strcpy() - String Copy        strlwr() - String Lowercase

This function is used to determine the length of the string. It usually counts the number of characters present in the string except the NULL character. Finally it will return integer value as an output.

strlen in C programming - Syntax

	int *strlen(const char *str);

Note: size_t treats as an integer type.

Example program using strlen()



  char src[]={’W’,‘E’,‘L’,‘C’, ‘O’,‘M’,‘E’};
  int result;
  printf(" The source string is %s ",src);
  result = strlen(src);
  printf(" The length of the string is %d ",result);


The source string is WELCOME
The length of the string is 7

strlen() - String Length        strncat() - String n Concatenation       

strncmp() - String n Compare        strncpy() - String n Copy


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strcat() - String Concatenation        strcmp() - String Compare

strcpy() - String Copy        strlen() - String Length

C & C++ - strlen() - string length


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strcmp() - String Compare        strcpy() - String Copy        strlwr() - String Lowercase

This function is used to determine the length of the string. It usually counts the number of characters present in the string except the NULL character. Finally it will return integer value as an output.

strlen in C programming - Syntax

	int *strlen(const char *str);

Note: size_t treats as an integer type.

Example program using strlen()



  char src[]={’W’,‘E’,‘L’,‘C’, ‘O’,‘M’,‘E’};
  int result;
  printf(" The source string is %s ",src);
  result = strlen(src);
  printf(" The length of the string is %d ",result);


The source string is WELCOME
The length of the string is 7

strlen() - String Length        strncat() - String n Concatenation       

strncmp() - String n Compare        strncpy() - String n Copy


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strncat() - String n Concatenation        strlwr() - String Lower       

strncmp() - String n Compare       strncpy() - String n Copy