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C and C++ - Relational Operators


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The relational operators are used to distinguishes between two values depending upon their relations. This operators provide relationship between two expressions. The relational operators always return the result as a boolean values(true or false). If the relation is true, then it returns value 1. Otherwise it returns zero for false relation.

Operator DescriptionExample Return value
<less than4<5 1
>greater than4>5 0
<=less than equal to4<=51
>=greater than equal to4>=50
==equal to 4==5 0
!=not equal to 4!=5 1

Example C Program using Relational Operators

Operators used in C are useful in C++ programming as well

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
   int a=20;
   int b=35;

       printf("The value of a is greater than b\n");
       printf("The value of a is not greater than b\n ");

       printf("The value of a is less than b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not less than b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is less than and equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not less than and not equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is greater than and equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not greater  than  and not equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not equal to b \n ");
       printf("The condition is true \n ");
       printf("The condition is false \n ");



The value of a is not greater than b
The value of a is less than b
The value of a is less than and equal to b
The value of a is not greater than and equal to b
The value of a is not equal to b
The conditon is true

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C and C++ - Relational Operators


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The relational operators are used to distinguishes between two values depending upon their relations. This operators provide relationship between two expressions. The relational operators always return the result as a boolean values(true or false). If the relation is true, then it returns value 1. Otherwise it returns zero for false relation.

Operator DescriptionExample Return value
<less than4<5 1
>greater than4>5 0
<=less than equal to4<=51
>=greater than equal to4>=50
==equal to 4==5 0
!=not equal to 4!=5 1

Example C Program using Relational Operators

Operators used in C are useful in C++ programming as well

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
   int a=20;
   int b=35;

       printf("The value of a is greater than b\n");
       printf("The value of a is not greater than b\n ");

       printf("The value of a is less than b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not less than b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is less than and equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not less than and not equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is greater than and equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not greater  than  and not equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is equal to b \n ");
       printf("The value of a is not equal to b \n ");
       printf("The condition is true \n ");
       printf("The condition is false \n ");



The value of a is not greater than b
The value of a is less than b
The value of a is less than and equal to b
The value of a is not greater than and equal to b
The value of a is not equal to b
The conditon is true

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strncat() - String n Concatenation        strlwr() - String Lower       

strncmp() - String n Compare       strncpy() - String n Copy