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C Programming language Tutorial - C Language Basics

Next - Why C Programming >>

What is C ?

C is a popular general purpose programming language. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1972. This language was officially formalized by the American National Standard Institute(ANSI) in 1988. Then, it was adopted by the International Standard Organization(ISO) in 1990.

  • C programming language has relatively less keywords, syntax and concepts to learn.
  • It can be used in small storage space.
  • It can be learnt quickly.

C language is also called middle level computer language because it combines the features of high-level language such as statement grouping, decision making and looping as well as the functionality of low-level language such as ability to manipulate bytes and addresses. C language is used to write programs in many different domains such as operating system, numerical computing and graphical applications.

C programming language - Where is it used?

C Language use cases/type of software/target environments, and Scenarios where C language is used:
  • C language can be used to create anything that interacts closely with system hardware and devices.
  • Can be used to write software for Bridges, Routers and any firmware applications
  • Network security, distributed services, and network programming
  • Anything that requires highest speed and closest access to hardware
  • Can be used to write even an operating system. In fact, Unix was written in C.
  • Can be used to write device drivers, compilers, databases, browsers, gaming and any software application.
  • Even UI applications where performance takes a higher priority than Look and Feel or Ease of programming
  • C programming language is very efficient and powerful and can be easily ported to different platforms.
  • Most operating systems - Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS, RTOS, Solaris - are written primarily using C or derivatives of C.
  • It is ideally more suitable for modern computers and modern programming.

We are going to learn what is C programming, how the programming is done, what are the features of the programming language, what techniques are used and so on. This tutorial is designed for the programmers those who are interested to learn about the fundamentals of C. Also, it gives the basic knowledge about the programming language. It acts as a beginner guide.

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C Input Output functions >>        C Variables >>       

C Operators >>        C If Statement >>

strcat() - String Concatenation        strcmp() - String Compare

strcpy() - String Copy        strlen() - String Length

C Programming language Tutorial - C Language Basics

Next - Why C Programming >>

What is C ?

C is a popular general purpose programming language. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1972. This language was officially formalized by the American National Standard Institute(ANSI) in 1988. Then, it was adopted by the International Standard Organization(ISO) in 1990.

  • C programming language has relatively less keywords, syntax and concepts to learn.
  • It can be used in small storage space.
  • It can be learnt quickly.

C language is also called middle level computer language because it combines the features of high-level language such as statement grouping, decision making and looping as well as the functionality of low-level language such as ability to manipulate bytes and addresses. C language is used to write programs in many different domains such as operating system, numerical computing and graphical applications.

C programming language - Where is it used?

C Language use cases/type of software/target environments, and Scenarios where C language is used:
  • C language can be used to create anything that interacts closely with system hardware and devices.
  • Can be used to write software for Bridges, Routers and any firmware applications
  • Network security, distributed services, and network programming
  • Anything that requires highest speed and closest access to hardware
  • Can be used to write even an operating system. In fact, Unix was written in C.
  • Can be used to write device drivers, compilers, databases, browsers, gaming and any software application.
  • Even UI applications where performance takes a higher priority than Look and Feel or Ease of programming
  • C programming language is very efficient and powerful and can be easily ported to different platforms.
  • Most operating systems - Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS, RTOS, Solaris - are written primarily using C or derivatives of C.
  • It is ideally more suitable for modern computers and modern programming.

We are going to learn what is C programming, how the programming is done, what are the features of the programming language, what techniques are used and so on. This tutorial is designed for the programmers those who are interested to learn about the fundamentals of C. Also, it gives the basic knowledge about the programming language. It acts as a beginner guide.

Next >>

C Input Output functions >>        C Variables >>       

C Operators >>        C If Statement >>

strncat() - String n Concatenation        strlwr() - String Lower       

strncmp() - String n Compare       strncpy() - String n Copy