OS Scheduling Algorithms - FCFS, Round Robin, Priority, SJF, Multi Level Queue

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List of scheduling algorithms

We are going to learn about the types or list of scheduling algorithms. Scheduling algorithms are used to solve the problem of deciding the set of the processes in the ready queue that has to be allocated the CPU time. In simple terms, scheduling algorithms are used to schedule OS process on CPU processor time. Types or list of scheduling algorithms are:

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OS Scheduling Algorithms - FCFS, Round Robin, Priority, SJF, Multi Level Queue

<<Previous - CPU Scheduling Criteria

Next - FCFS Scheduling >>

List of scheduling algorithms

We are going to learn about the types or list of scheduling algorithms. Scheduling algorithms are used to solve the problem of deciding the set of the processes in the ready queue that has to be allocated the CPU time. In simple terms, scheduling algorithms are used to schedule OS process on CPU processor time. Types or list of scheduling algorithms are:

Please click on Next to understand the scheduling algorithms one by one

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Next - FCFS Scheduling >>

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